Monday, May 20, 2024

Let's Bust a Recap : Graced

Okay, I've mentioned several Bible studies over the years on this blog, but I don't typically review them here because to be completely 💯 with you: I rarely complete a study from cover to cover. The number one reason for this is because in the past, I have participated in group studies, and if I miss even one video session, or if I skip some of the homework because I'm getting behind, then I don't consider the study complete. 

But last year, a dear friend of mine published her first Bible study so, of course, I ordered it immediately.

And then it sat in my book cart for over eight months. I could give you a lot of excuses for this like how crazy 2023 was for us, or the holidays, or sickness, et cetera et cetera. But the truth is that this study is geared toward the sexually broken woman, and that's just not me. I am eternally grateful that God has put men in my life who have always protected me, cherished me, and treated me with dignity. So as I got the updates from Teresa about the study and joined her launch team, I wasn't really sure how DisGraced would land for me personally. And I put it off. But finally in March, I was telling my BFF Christina that I was ready to start it and she agreed to go through it with me. And it took me just under seven weeks to complete. 

In DisGraced, Teresa invites women to dive deep into the Bible and discover the heart of God toward six broken women in Scripture. Their stories still resonate with us today and can offer hope and healing for us all, but particularly for the woman who thinks she is beyond the grace of God or that healing will never be possible. 

Watching the introductory video before really diving in to the study, I immediately felt welcomed and encouraged that there was space in this study for me. It was emotional listening to Teresa tell a bit about her personal story. She is truly a wonderful and engaging speaker, and you can feel the compassion she has for women as you listen to her. 

As for the study itself: I felt like I did two distinct Bible studies. The first three weeks focusing on three Old Testament women—Tamar, Rahab, and Bathsheba—were one study; and the three remaining weeks focusing on three New Testament women—the woman at the well, the woman caught in adultery, and the sinful woman—felt like a separate study. I can't exactly pinpoint why there was a disconnect for me, but it was definitely there. In the first half, Teresa's questions challenged my thinking and gave me a lot to work through, but I had a hard time connecting with it and ultimately there were some things I disagreed with (for example, calling Tamar's actions righteous or that David raped Bathsheba). But the second half of DisGraced was some of the most meaningful Bible study I have ever experienced. I have read the Bible several times in the course of my life so I was very familiar with all six of these women, but the study on the three New Testament women impacted me so strongly. They prompted some of the most beautiful times of personal prayer, praise, and communion with my loving Savior I have ever had. Throughout the whole of DisGraced, I loved working through one of the Psalms each week, and I appreciated the weekly challenge to write down one key takeaway I wanted to remember. 

All things considered, this is a study I would absolutely recommend. Even the tougher weeks I encountered or the things I didn't agree with didn't negatively impact Teresa's applications which were biblically solid. Her teaching sessions are excellent, and one of the biggest practical things I appreciated about DisGraced is that you can access the videos online any time. (Can we please make that standard fare for all Bible studies??) This study is for any woman no matter where she is spiritually. There is a clear gospel presentation and a warm invitation to come to Jesus, but there is also grace and encouragement for the seasoned follower of Christ. I'm glad I finally did it and I'm thankful for the ways God used this study in my personal relationship with Him. I'm looking forward to Teresa's next one!

Get DisGraced here.
Learn more about how to connect with Teresa here


  1. Yes! Great review, as always. I still have 2 weeks left to get through, but I am definitely enjoying going through this study again. It hits differently than when I participated in the Sunday school version of this. I agree about the NT women, though. The woman at the well and her story impacted me so much more strongly than the OT women's stories.

    1. I'm really looking forward to discussing the last couple of weeks with you!
