Friday, September 23, 2016

Casual Fridays

Ok, so apparently the latest trend floating around the interwebs is to choose three fictional characters that you feel depict you in some way or other, post up their pics, and explain yourself. My brother and sister(in-law) both did it, and I've decided to give it a go myself. Here goes nothing.

First up: Belle from Beauty and the Beast
Because she and I share a love for reading, we don't settle for the provincial life, and we both have dads that many probably consider a little "out there" but we love them fiercely and defend them to the grave.

Next: Anne of Green Gables
Because, once again, I share a love of literature with Anne Shirley, we both live in our own little worlds a lot of the time (#introvertsunite), and we will bust a slate over a boy's head if he be gettin' too cray.

And finally: DJ Tanner from Full House
Because we will always be the big sister (ergo, IN CHARGE), we hate to let Dad down, and we both have no problem chopping our hair short with absolutely no warning. 

How did I do? Which fictional characters do you think resemble me? Which fictional characters resemble you


  1. also the mandy moore character from "a walk to remember". minus the cancer.

    1. I'm really glad you took that part out. Lol

    2. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA Reagan! This seriously cracked me up.

  2. Hannah, I know you challenged me to do this, but I don't know if I can think of any fictional characters that resemble me...hmmm...

  3. What do you mean you have a Dad that many consider to be "out there"?
