First of all, can anyone else believe it's June already? Because I can't. This year is flying by so fast. If I want to complete my 20-book goal this year, I'll need to complete 4 books by the end of this month to be (technically) on track. But no big deal because I'll have a 20-hour flight this month on MY WAY TO JAPAN! That's right, people. I booked my ticket this week for a two week trip to visit my brother and sister-in-law/kindred spirit. I am beyond excited to see them. And not only do I get to visit some of my favorite people in the world, I get to check a big-ticket item off my Bucket List: a trip to Asia. It's a personal goal of mine to visit all of the continents. (Except for Antarctica because why? although if the opportunity arose, I wouldn't be totally opposed to going there too, I guess.) After this trip, I will only be lacking a trip to Australia to complete that goal. I've been to North and South America, Europe and Africa. I'll also finally get some stamps in my new passport. #goals

Major's Mischief
So I think it's about time Major got his own little section around here and, believe me, it's aptly named because this puppy is all mischief, all the time. I got a first-hand experience recently of exactly how strong this guy actually is. We were on one of our 3-mile walks around Lake Hollingsworth the other day, and we came upon a section of the sidewalk that is currently under construction. They had re-routed the sidewalk using gravel and orange construction fencing so that you really had no other choice than to walk through it. Major apparently did not like that orange fence and as soon as we entered, he panicked and decided he needed to get out at all costs resulting with me on the ground before I even knew what was happening and being dragged through the gravel. I got some nasty battle wounds from the experience, and that last mile was a pretty slow one. Ouch. Suffice it to say, Major is one strong puppy.

As you may know, my husband and I recently had
our 4th anniversary, and look what he gave me! What a guy. We were actually at Wal*Mart together one day a couple days before our actual anniversary and while I was grabbing something, he started checking out. When I got back to the checkout line, he handed me these two brand new ChapSticks with a smile and a "Happy Anniversary, babe." I tell ya. He's a keeper. These ChapSticks are the bomb, and I've been using both of them non-stop. They are summer-licious and for whatever reason, that Watermelon Splash one takes me right back to my childhood. #bliss #olfactorysensesforthewin (Don't judge me for getting all fancy with my little ChapStick photo shoot. A lei seemed like an appropriate backdrop for these Tropical Paradise ChapSticks, okay? And speaking of the Tropical Paradise Collection, I think I have all of them now what with my
Aloha Coconut one and my
Mango Sunrise one. Am I missing any? I know, I know. I have a problem. I blog about ChapStick. Somebody stop me.)

Lest you think that all my husband did for our anniversary was pick up a couple of tubes of ChapStick in the Wal*Mart check-out line, look what else I got: four new books for four years of marriage. He so gets me. We finally got to do our big anniversary date this week, and
if you'll remember from last year, we like to go to the Melting Pot and Barnes & Noble. This is our 3rd year doing this, and I'd say it's become our anniversary tradition. I chose more classics to add to our library: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain, Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte, and The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas. I have not read any of these, and I'm pretty psyched about all of them. It's going to be hard to stick to
my original book list for 2016 with these sitting on my shelves tempting me. Also, my hubs challenged me to read all four of these before we celebrate our next anniversary. Of the three books he gave me last year, the only one I've read is
The Last of the Mohicans which is definitely one of my new favorites. #challengeaccepted

Colonel's Corner
So this guy started favoring his right front paw on Saturday night, and we could not for the life of us figure out why. Cody finally found that one of his nails had started to tear down to the quick and was causing him some pretty bad pain. We finally had to put a sock on him to keep him from licking it to death, and let me tell you, he has been one pathetic little figure lying (laying?) around, not eating like usual, and hopping and hobbling around to avoid putting any weight on it. So naturally, I've been babying him to almost a ridiculous extreme and letting him in the bed with me. Cody held out for over a year not letting him in the bed, but he finally caved. You totally would too if you could see how pitiful he is. Poor little guy. He seems to be on the mend, but he still wants to just sit and lick that paw so the sock is staying on for a couple more days until he gets rid of that compulsion.
Are you so over me blogging about our dogs and ChapStick? What has this blog even become?! I have one more topic for our Casual Friday, and it's a bit of a confession:
I've been watching old school DCOMs all week, and I couldn't be happier about it. We figured out how to get the Disney Channel app on Cody's xbox and since then, I've revisited such gems as Brink!, Double-Teamed, Motocrossed, Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century, and the list goes on, but I'll refrain from embarrassing myself further by admitting how many I've actually watched. I love Disney and I love all these cheesy, tween movies. #noshame #disneykidforlife
Did you watch DCOMs growing up? What are some of your favorites? Does anyone want to come over and watch some with me? Do you have an anniversary tradition or do you like to change it up each year? Do you know of a ChapStick support group I could join? Have you ever been to Japan? What's something big on your Bucket List that you might get to check off soon? Don't be scared of that combox, y'all, and have a great weekend!