Monday, May 13, 2024

Let's Bust a Recap : While Mrs. Coverlet Was Away

Well after a six-week hiatus due to unforeseen technical difficulties (read: the old laptop finally bit the dust and we had to spring for a new one), I'm back and ready to catch you up on some books I've finished recently starting with this tattered favorite that I read aloud with my nieces and nephews during April. 
When our girls got here on April 16th, we ran through the shelves and pulled several options down that we were interested in reading. Then we took it to a vote and to my delight, While Mrs. Coverlet Was Away was the unanimous winner. This old copy was one of my mother's childhood books and I read it when I was probably 8 or 9 years old. I remember loving it, so I was ready for a fun read aloud with all my favorite kiddos, and it definitely delivered. 

The premise of this 1958 children's book by Mary Nash centers around three siblings who are suddenly left home alone when their housekeeper is called away for a family emergency while their widowed father is on a business trip to New Zealand. Thirteen year old Malcolm and practical middle-child Molly decide they can manage their six year old brother Theobold (affectionately called "Toad") by themselves, and because Mrs. Coverlet had to leave in such a rush, no other adult knows that the children are home alone. So for the whole summer the siblings are left to their own devices and do quite a fine job of it, even starting a summer business selling a concoction of the Toad's to make some money to send their father to help his business of opening a tin mine along. 

Mix it all together and you're in for a laugh-out-loud good time. My nieces and nephews loved it as much as I did when I was their age, and we all had fun trying to guess what the Toad put in his purple concoction to make it taste so good. I especially enjoyed reading about Malcolm's complicated conscience and how he got around it and talking to my nieces and nephews about whether they thought they could take care of themselves for a whole summer without grownups. The consensus was a resounding "no". 

All in all, While Mrs. Coverlet Was Away is a book I'd recommend to just about anyone. It's silly without being completely ridiculous, and I particularly love this beat up old copy because it was my mom's and she wrote in it when she was little:
I mean, come on! Consider this a call to action to have your children sign their favorite books and then tuck them away for posterity's sake. What a treasure!

Monday, March 25, 2024

Let's Bust a Recap : The Beekeeper of Aleppo

And so begins my personal campaign to get everyone to forget about The Kite Runner and read Christy Lefteri's The Beekeeper of Aleppo instead. 

(But first, can you spot the actual bees in my little picture over there? We have two of these lovely trees in our yard and they have been positively buzzing this past week.)

Now, back to The Beekeeper of Aleppo. Christy Lefteri's 2019 novel was born of her experience volunteering in Athens at a refugee center over two summers in 2016 and 2017. Born to parents who fled Cyprus after the Turkish invasion in 1974, Lefteri grew up in England knowing something of the devastation wrought by war and death and displacement which was what prompted her to help in Athens and, eventually, to bring The Beekeeper of Aleppo to life. 

In The Beekeeper of Aleppo, we meet Nuri Ibrahim and his wife Afra who have just made it to the UK after fleeing from Syria and are going through the process of applying for asylum. The Syrian civil war has wreaked its havoc in their lives, taking their young son from them, and they have traveled for months trying to make it to the UK to be reunited with Nuri's cousin and business partner Mustafa who has started to rebuild his family's life in England and has even started beekeeping again with the native black bees. In each chapter of the book, Lefteri uses one word to connect their present situation in the UK to the recent past in which we follow them on their journey to get out of Syria and make it all the way to England. With a deft hand, Lefteri paints a haunting picture of the ravages constantly going on throughout the Middle East but with a sensitivity and ultimate hopefulness that kept me turning the pages. The refugee crisis in Europe has been such a huge issue for so much of my adult life that it's overwhelming to even think about it, especially being somewhat removed from it over here in the US. But as TIME magazine insightfully points out in its praise for The Beekeeper of Aleppo, "Lefteri shows that in order to stretch compassion to millions of people, it helps to begin with one." 

To be honest, I was a bit apprehensive when I drew this title out of my TBR jar. I wasn't sure I was ready to be confronted with the reality of the still ongoing Syrian civil war. I wasn't sure how graphic The Beekeeper of Aleppo would be, and I was concerned this novel might throw me into some rough waters emotionally. But Lefteri handled her subject matter with such a gentle and compassionate voice, I found myself drawn into the lives of Nuri and Afra Ibrahim and rooting for their healing. I appreciated how Lefteri hinted at the horrific things they lived through rather than exhaustively detailing them, giving me as a reader the space to process the trauma without inflicting it on me. I also loved the notes and photos from the author included in my edition of this novel showing the time she spent volunteering in the refugee camps in Athens. Really, just a beautifully and exceptionally well written work. I would highly recommend The Beekeeper of Aleppo to anyone. 

Is there a book on your shelf you're hesitant to open because you know you'll be confronted with something difficult?

Monday, March 18, 2024

Let's Bust a Recap : Bucket List Family Travel

Okay, so I discovered the Bucket List Family back in 2019 while I was trying to decide if I wanted to have an Instagram or not (*SPOILER* I decided not to have one) and I've been following them ever since. I was mesmerized by their beautiful videos visiting the most amazing places all over this globe, and I came to have a real affection for this sweet family. Social media is really weird that way. There are people on this planet that I have never met and probably never will meet that I feel are friends. Like, my fictional book friends but they're real. It's weird. 

Anyway, last summer they announced that Jess (the wife/mom of the family) had partnered with National Geographic to create this Bucket List Family travel guide and that the preorders would be opening to purchase it prior to its February 2024 release date. I immediately preordered and as a result, I got a signed copy! (Which has only reinforced this fictional friendship I have with this family in my head.) I fully expected this to be a beautiful coffee table book with lots of gorgeous photography and maybe a little travel inspiration from the 50 promised itineraries. 
And it is. What I was not expecting was to actually read every single word in this book from cover to cover. Which I did. Every caption on every photo, every word of all 51 itineraries. I read it all. And loved it. 

I have been privileged in my life to do a fair amount of traveling, and while I'm nowhere close to the Gee family's impressive 90+ countries, I'm up to over fifteen now spanning five of our seven continents, and Cody and I have started our own Bucket List journey of visiting all 50 of these United States
But about the book itself: it starts with a very sweet foreword from Jess's husband Garrett and then an introduction from Jess. After that, the book is divided into three parts: Planning, En Route and on the Ground, and Where to Go. The Where to Go section is made up of 51 itineraries of amazing places to go and is the biggest chunk of the book—well over half. The book is wrapped up with a small epilogue and acknowledgements page. 

I immediately felt a connection with Jess as I was reading her thoughtful book. We're about the same age and have a lot of the same values. I really appreciated how she incorporated the theme of service throughout the book and included organizations that they have worked and volunteered with in the different countries they've visited. My first international trip was a missions trip with my church and a lot of my international travel has been centered around service projects. 

Another thing I appreciated about the Bucket List Family Travel guide is how down-to-earth and transparent Jess is. She doesn't try to hide the fact that her family's unique circumstances have afforded them the ability to do things that a lot of people will never get to do in practicality, and she doesn't skirt around the fact that their lifestyle is not attainable for everyone. She also doesn't apologize for it, and she still gives common sense advice and tips and tricks for how to travel according to your own tastes and budget. Her 51 itineraries include trips for all budgets, all over the globe. Even though my husband and I do not have children, I found a lot of helpful advice in this book and would recommend it to anyone looking to get into international travel. You can benefit from Jess's travel experience whether you are single, married, with kids, or without kids. I like that her itineraries included several U.S. destinations along with destinations all over the globe so that no matter where you are in the world reading this book, one of these trips is probably attainable for you. 

And the photography! I fell in love with this family through their amazing youtube videos, and with every turn of the page reading this book, I got to look at beautiful, full-color stills from their awe-inspiring travel. This book is sure to be a treasure for their own family, but it is visually stunning for everyone else too. 

I would highly recommend the Bucket List Family Travel guide to anyone who likes to travel or who is looking to get started with more intentional traveling whether internationally or domestically. Since discovering this family, it's become a personal bucket list goal of mine to swim with whales which I did not know was even possible but I'm now obsessed with. In all actuality, I may never get to do it but I will continue to live vicariously through the Gees every time they go to Tonga and get to be in the water with those magnificent creatures. What a beautiful world we live in!

Jess, if you ever find yourself reading this little blog post, consider this your family's official invitation to crash our home anytime if you find yourself in our neck of the woods. We live in Western North Carolina in the land of waterfalls and would love to show you around! Thank you for sharing so much of your family with the world and bringing us along as you swim with whales and walk with penguins. ❤️💙💚

Monday, March 11, 2024

Let's Bust a Recap : The Merchant of Venice

Look at me, coming through on my promise and posting my recap of The Merchant of Venice just three weeks after my recent recap of The Tempest. Are we proud of me? Are we? 

But all joking aside, The Merchant of Venice is a doozy and even though I don't usually do this, we're going to talk about some pretty problematic elements of the play before we get into it. I'm not the most politically correct person living my life out here, but even I was a bit uncomfortable reading about poor Shylock and did I Google "was Shakespeare an anti-Semite?" upon completing my reading of this play? Yes. Yes I did. 

Debate still exists to this day on whether or not The Merchant of Venice is, at its core, anti-Semitic, but after reading it for myself, I'm coming down hard on the side of: it DEFINITELY is. Forcing Shylock to convert to Christianity was the final nail in the coffin. If that hadn't been his unfortunate end, I might not feel so strongly about it, but yikes. This play is not a good look for Shakespeare no matter how we try to spin it. It shouldn't even have to be said but let me just go on record right now and say anti-Semitism is awful and has led to horrible crimes against humanity. I will not tolerate it and would appreciate you keeping that in mind as you read the rest of this post. 

Are we clear? Do you feel me? The unfortunate nature of Shylock's character aside, I enjoyed The Merchant of Venice and I'm ready to get into it. 

The play opens on sad sack Antonio (our titular merchant of Venice) moaning about how depressed he is for no good reason to two of his buddies who are trying to cheer him up but are finally just like, "Peace out, bro, you're a total drag." Right as they're leaving, Bassanio arrives to hit up Antonio for some cash because he's broke as a joke and needs some capital to go woo Portia, this total hottie that he's completely in love with. And Antonio is all, "Of course, my guy. I don't have the cash, but I'll figure it out and set you up, no problem." 

Meanwhile on Portia's estate, she and her maid Nerissa are busy roasting all the suitors who have recently come trying to wife Portia up. As it turns out, Portia's dead dad left a twisted little caveat in his will requiring any marriage prospects she has to choose one of three caskets he left behind, and if they manage to choose the one with Portia's picture inside, they can marry her. 

Because that seems reasonable. 

But the crazy apparently doesn't fall far from the tree because Portia has one-upped her dad by also requiring any aspiring suitor to promise never to marry at all if they don't get to marry her. So right off the bat, we know Portia likes to play mind games. Like, sis is not a catch. Why are all these guys losing their minds over her?

Back in Venice, Bassanio and Antonio are making a deal with the Jewish moneylender Shylock to get a loan that Antonio will repay once his ships come in. Shylock hates Antonio because Antonio is basically a horrible human being, but agrees to loan the money to Bassanio on the condition that if Antonio can't pay up on time, Shylock can take a pound of his flesh instead. (His heart, guys, he totally wants to carve Antonio's heart out of his chest and watch him die. Kindof psycho, but okay.) Bassanio feels some kind of way about this, but Antonio assures him it's all good so Bassanio skips off with the cash to go court Portia. 

So that's Act I. 

In Act II there is a lot going on and Shakespeare is setting a lot of stuff up so try to stick with me here. 

First of all, the Prince of Morocco has shown up seeking Portia's hand in marriage so she takes him to the three caskets—one gold, one silver, one lead—and he picks the gold one, but inside is a skull and a note that says "All that glisters is not gold." Bummer, dude

We also have a scene with Shylock's servant Launcelot who gives a whole speech about how awful Shylock is and how he wants to run away from him. We get it, Shakespeare, Shylock is your villain. (But is he, though?)

We also meet Shylock's daughter Jessica in Act II, and she piles on even more with how she's ashamed to be her father's daughter and how she hopes her beloved Lorenzo will keep his promise to marry her so she can become a Christian instead of being stuck as a filthy Jew. (Like, wow. Okay already.) She commissions Launcelot to take a letter to Lorenzo secretly detailing a plan of how they can run away together. 

So, it gets a little muddy through this part with all the details of a masque that's happening that night, but basically Lorenzo gets the letter and then goes and gets Jessica who is dressed as a boy—shocker. Can we even have a Shakespearean comedy that doesn't involve cross-dressing? She's embarrassed about how she looks, but Lorenzo is all, "No baby, you're still hot to me." Neither of them have any shame whatsoever about stealing a bunch of Shylock's gold and precious jewels though. Whatever.

Back at Portia's, the Prince of Belmont is next in line to play "Pick the Casket" and he chooses the silver one. Inside is a mirror. You're out, my guy. (I should add at this point that each coffin has a message on top and the silver one is basically "if you open this you get what you deserve" which makes the mirror thing pretty funny actually.)

So that's pretty much all the important stuff for Act II. Oh, except for the fact that when Shylock discovers his daughter has run off with Lorenzo, he's more concerned about the gold she took than the fact that she ran off. More stereotypical profiling, blah blah.

In Act III, we learn that all Antonio's ships are lost and he's not going to be able to pay back Shylock. His friends are with Shylock and ask him if he really plans to take a pound of flesh from Antonio. Shylock's like, "For sure." And they're like, "Yeah, but what good will it do you?" To which he responds, "I'll use it to bait fish." Stone cold, my man. Antonio's friends keep pressing him to which he gives an impassioned, and kind of beautiful, monologue about how he's human too and Antonio has always treated him like scum so why shouldn't he have his revenge. (This monologue is why the whole anti-Semitism debate exists. Is Shylock a sympathetic character or not??)

Back to Portia: Bassanio has shown up and is ready to play "Pick the Casket" but Portia is reluctant to let him because she actually likes him. He's all, "No, let's do this mother because putting it off is torture." She contemplates cheating, but finally decides against it and takes him to the caskets. He picks the lead one and everyone is happy that he gets to marry Portia. She gives him a ring and tells him never to lose it or it will ruin their marriage. Nerissa marries his buddy Gratiano and follows suit giving him a ring of her own. (Do you remember how we talked about Portia playing mind games? Remember this bit about the rings.) They're all partying hard when Lorenzo and Jessica show up with a letter telling them how Antonio is in jail and probably going to die because Shylock's ready to make good on their deal to take a pound of Antonio's flesh. Portia basically offers her entire fortune to her new husband Bassanio to go save Antonio's life. (And now we know why all these men were trying for her hand: sis is loaded.)

So Bassanio and Gratiano leave to try to rescue Antonio while Portia leaves her estate in the care of Lorenzo and Jessica telling them she's going to a monastery to pray for her husband. As if. Naturally, she has come up with a plan for her and Nerissa to dress up as men and go to the trial themselves. And then we have like a whole page of Portia bragging about what a hot guy she is. So there's that.

Meanwhile in Venice, Antonio is in prison and Shylock is vowing to cut his heart out. Everyone's like, "The duke will not stand for this!" But Shylock is all, "He better uphold the law or Venice will riot." I mean, Shylock is not wrong, you guys. He's psycho, but he's not wrong. 

There is also a completely random scene in Act III where Launcelot is teasing Jessica about how awful it is that she's a Jew and it'd be better if Shylock wasn't her dad to which she responds that then she'd be a bastard and have just as much reason to be ashamed of her mom. Like a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't type thing, and then Lorenzo walks in and informs Launcelot that he got some poor girl in Venice knocked up before he left. Which has nothing to do with anything, y'all. Like, sheesh. 

But moving on to Act IV. 

Now we're at court and every single person in the play is begging Shylock for mercy and he is like, "I will have my revenge." Bassanio has offered literally any amount of money to pay off Antonio's debt but Shylock is not having it. Antonio has given up all hope of living through this. And then a young doctor of the law (aka Portia) and his clerk (aka Nerissa) show up to judge the case. Portia then proceeds to also ask Shylock for mercy—he continues to adamantly refuse—and then she gives a speech about how the court cannot force Shylock to show mercy. They have to cut out Antonio's heart. 

Shylock is all, "Finally."

Then as he is literally pulling out his knife to carve out Antonio's heart, Portia pipes up with, "If you spill one drop of his blood, you are a dead man." 


She points out that the bond states he can have a pound of flesh, but it said nothing about blood and if Shylock—a foreigner—sheds one drop of Antonio's blood—a native Venetian—then the law says the state can confiscate all his land and goods. 


So Shylock gives it up and says, "Fine, I'll take the money instead." To which Portia is all, "Nah, bro, you already publicly refused that offer." And, to add insult to injury, since they just proved that Shylock did all this as a plot against Antonio's life, the state can confiscate all his goods anyway. According to the law. 

Antonio then tells Shylock that if he promises to leave everything to his daughter Jessica when he dies and if he will convert to Christianity, then he can keep his stuff. To which the duke then adds, "Take the deal or die." 

So I mean, Shylock takes the deal. Woof.

But that's not all. Next, we have Antonio and Bassanio and Gratiano basically groveling at Portia and Nerissa's feet asking how can they ever repay them, and naturally, they ask for the rings from Bassanio and Gratiano. At first, Bassanio is like, "No, my wife made me promise to keep this ring forever." but then he gives it to Portia (in disguise as a man, remember?) anyway. 

So as Act V opens, we see Lorenzo and Jessica basically in the middle of a game no-I-love-YOU-more when everyone shows back up. Portia and Nerissa mess with their husbands heads for a while before finally revealing the whole story and then they all live happily ever after. Except for poor Shylock who has been done dirty once again by all these insane Italians. Even Antonio gets news that all his ships are actually safe so he's rich again. 

I mean.....yikes, yikes, yikes. If Shylock's ancestry had been left out of it and he was just your basic bad guy, this would have been a super-fun play, but as it is? I just can't. Shakespeare, my guy, what's up?

Have you ever seen or read The Merchant of Venice? What's your take? Do you think Shakespeare meant for Shylock to be a sympathetic, nuanced villain, or was Willy just a straight-up hater?

Monday, March 4, 2024

Let's Bust a Recap : Riding Freedom

I recently pulled this middle grade book out of a Little Free Library in my brother's neighborhood in LA. (I also went to The Last Bookstore and ended up having to ship all the books I bought back home to myself because I couldn't fit them in my luggage, but that's neither here nor there.) While most of the books I acquired on my trip will probably sit on my shelves for a while before I get around to reading them, this one I brought home specifically to read out loud with my niece and nephews so I found myself reading it this past weekend a mere week after I added it to my library. 

And it was so good. When we finished the last chapter, I looked up at my niece and exclaimed out loud, "That was such a good book!" 

First of all, Pam Muñoz Ryan dedicated her excellent book "To Women of Substance" and proceeded to name six such women. If you've been around any length of time, you know a good dedication will get me and this one did. The subject of her 1998 fictional biography is Charlotte "Charley" Darkey Parkhurst who lived from 1812 to 1879 and is thought to be the first woman to cast a vote in a presidential election in the United States—a whopping 52 years before women were afforded the right to vote in federal elections in this country. Running away from the boys orphanage she was raised in when she was about twelve years old, Charlotte spent the rest of her life posing as a male in order to live independently and became one of the finest stagecoach drivers on the West Coast during the Gold Rush era of our country, despite losing the sight in one of her eyes after a horse kicked her. She managed to keep her female identity a secret her whole life and was only found out when her neighbors came to lay out her body for her burial. 

I really appreciated Pam Muñoz Ryan's note in the back of the book explaining the facts we actually know about Parkhurst and what she added to flesh out her short novel. I was so pleasantly surprised by this book and enjoyed getting to learn about this little known historical figure who led such a mysterious and interesting life. My niece and nephew loved it too, especially looking at the illustrations by Brian Selznick that are sprinkled throughout the book. I grabbed this book thinking my niece would be interested in the horse storyline and ended up being fascinated myself by One-Eyed Charley and her brave life. I would have actually liked it to be longer, but given how little we actually know about Parkhurst, I think Muñoz Ryan did a wonderful job keeping it factual and to the point. I had so much fun reading this aloud with my niece and nephews, but would honestly recommend it whether you're reading it with kids or not. Great story, great piece of history. 

Has a good book ever opened your eyes to a little known piece of history you wouldn't have learned about otherwise? 

Monday, February 26, 2024

Let's Bust a Recap : The Secret History

Booooooo. I can't. This one's a big fat "no" from me. If I was the type of person who could just quit a book without losing sleep over it, I never would have made it through this one. Like, once Bunny was actually dead, I could not stay interested. Are any of y'all fans of Psych? Do you know the episode "Black and Tan: A Crime of Fashion" (S2, E15)? This entire book was like when they're interrogating that one model and he's just all, "It was yellow. And boring. I don't know...just write down that it was lame." Like, that could be my entire review. 

I know, I know. I can already hear all the Donna Tartt stans coming for me to tell me how much I didn't get this book. Go ahead, knock yourselves out. I'm already on my way to the nearest Little Free Library to leave my copy inside for you. 

But to give you just a little more than my obvious distaste for what many of my peers have deemed a modern classic: The Secret History was Donna Tartt's debut novel back in 1992, and it is now considered to be the mother of the niche sub-genre dark academia. It's basically about a tight clique of snobby Classics students and their weirdo professor at a preppy New England college in Vermont. We learn in the prologue that the entire book will be our main protagonist's reminiscences about the time he and his four pretentious classmates killed their other pal when he got too annoying after not being able to cope with the fact of an earlier murder the others had committed. 

Seriously, the whole book is just Richard whinging on about the New England foliage and how the others hold their cigarettes and every single thing he ate, and when we finally get to the actual murder the inevitable downward spiral of everyone involved was just a whole mess of these whiney rich kids getting absolutely plastered and self-destructing. 

To boil it down to one sentence: five unbelievably entitled kids kill their so-called friend in cold blood and technically get away with it but—surprise!—it ruins their lives. 

In 559 pages. 

There were a few insightful moments sprinkled throughout the book, but on the whole I didn't think the writing was as great as everyone says it is, and I just didn't care about any of the characters. Their pedantic worldview and resulting behavior disgusted me, and I ended up dragging myself through the second half of the book trying to get it over with. What a slog. 

Cannot recommend, would not read again. It's two thumbs down from me. Have at it if you will, but don't come crying to me when you realize it's been a giant waste of your time. I tried to warn you.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Let's Bust a Recap : The Tempest

February has come and gone and come again and that means I'm a full year overdue for everyone's favorite playwright, Willy Shakes. And consequently, that means it is also way past time for a new favorite blog post from yours truly. Because if there's any consistent feedback I've gotten since starting this blog, it's that you people are here for the Bard. So let me just apologize here and now for completely skipping the Shakespeare posts in 2023. Let's see if I can take a page from Prospero's book and conjure you up a good one today.

We open on a gnarly storm with a ship floundering at sea carrying Alonso the king of Naples and a bunch of his nobles. The ship is coming apart fast and the king and his son are literally begging God to spare them while the duke, Antonio, is busy cursing the ship's captain and crew for bringing them all to their deaths. As if they can control the weather. Or want to die anymore than anyone else on this ship. 

Like, seriously, calm down Antonio.

But as it turns out, this isn't any ordinary storm. The next scene takes us to a nearby island where Antonio's brother Prospero has been living for the last twelve years with his daughter Miranda. As it turns out, that creep Antonio usurped his brother's position as Duke of Milan and had the king banish him. Prospero is, naturally, a powerful sorcerer and has conjured up this storm to take revenge on all his enemies. He has enslaved the island's only inhabitant, Caliban, and also a spirit called Ariel to do his bidding. So, I mean really, Prospero isn't the greatest guy either. Maybe Antonio wasn't that far off-base in having him banished. Poor Miranda, though, am I right? Sis is just caught in the crosshairs of a battle of toxic masculinity. Bless her.

Anyway, the ship wrecks on the island according to plan, and, using his magic, Prospero splits up the survivors into groups on the island to carry out his vengeful plans. Oh and the captain and crew are put into a magical sleep until the end of the play because we can't be bothered with them. We have enough characters to keep track of as it is. 

First up, we have Ferdinand, the king's son who is stranded by himself so that Prospero can pick him up and manipulate him into an engagement with his fifteen year old daughter Miranda all the while lecturing them both about the value of chastity. Pretty rich coming from him. 

Then we have the court jester and the majordomo who run into Caliban and offer us our "comic relief" in the play by bumbling around the island together plotting their own little rebellion against Prospero. Like that's going to work out.

Next we have the group of lords including the traitorous king (Alonso), Prospero's backstabbing brother (Antonio), the king's brother (Sebastian), Gonzalo (an old counsellor who's just doing the best he can out here), and a couple of other lords who I didn't really care about. Basically, Antonio convinces Sebastian that they should try to kill Alonso so that Sebastian can become king. What good this is going to do them seeing as they are stranded on a desert island is anyone's guess, but the general idea is: everyone is plotting evil against everyone else. Except for poor old Gonzalo and the two young lovers Ferdinand and Miranda. 

Ariel comes and torments Alonso, Antonio, and Sebastian until they feel so guilty for their crimes against Prospero and each other that they all run off to wander around until we need them again in the play.

Act IV is basically Prospero instructing the island spirits to put on a masque celebrating the betrothal of Ferdinand and Miranda—while simultaneously continuing the lecture about staying chaste until the actual wedding—but it gets cut off when Prospero remembers that there are three dopes running around the island plotting to kill him. So there's that.

Prospero orders Ariel to bring the nobles to him so we can have our big showdown. Ariel, by the way, has been begging Prospero the whole play to set him free and Prospero once again promises that once Ariel does everything he wants him to do, he will finally set him free. (I had my doubts that Ariel would ever be free of Prospero, but don't worry: he actually is free by the end of the play.) So Ariel sets off to do Prospero's bidding. In the meantime, Caliban, Trinculo, and Stephano are chased into the swamp by goblins. 

Ariel shows back up with the nobles and Prospero promptly forgives them. What?! What have we even been doing here this whole time? They basically restore Prospero to his rightful position as Duke of Milan. Ariel fetches everyone else and Caliban basically tucks tail and promises to be good, Prospero sends Trinculo and Stephano away in shame, Ariel is charged with blessing them with good weather for the return trip home, and they all leave. Ariel is finally free of Prospero, and Miranda and Ferdinand go on planning their happily ever after. Prospero asks us, the audience, to free him by our applause and the play is over. 

The Tempest is probably one of the last plays Shakespeare wrote and it's kindof a mess, but it was fun nonetheless. I read it in a day. It's an easy one to read, but it wouldn't be the first comedy I'd direct you to if you're going to read Shakespeare. It falls in the class with some of his other late plays which don't fit neatly into either the comic or tragic categories so it just feels like there is a lot going on the whole time. If it were up to me, I'd take Miranda and Ferdinand out of it entirely and let all those crazy guys die on the island with their plotting and scheming. But that's Shakespeare for you. 

Next up is The Merchant of Venice which I'll probably read this weekend, and I promise I won't wait another year to post a recap of it!

Monday, February 12, 2024

Let's Bust a Recap : The Scarlet Pimpernel

Okay, so the very first book I drew out of the TBR Jar was actually a book that was on my 2023 book list but I didn't get around to reading it last year, and that is: The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy. What are the odds?! I don't have an exact count on how many slips of paper I put in my TBR Jar but let's just say about 1 in 500.

And I'm so glad because this is one of the books I was slightly bummed I didn't get to last year. So many of my real-life friends have recommended this 1905 classic to me, and I totally get it. It was a page-turner. 

The Scarlet Pimpernel was originally a play co-written by the Baroness Emma Magdalena Rozália Mária Jozefa Borbála Orczy de Orci and her husband Henry George Montagu MacLean Barstow—phew!—which opened in London's West End in 1903. The success of the play spurred on the success of the novel which allowed Emmuska and her husband to live out their lives in luxury. Emmuska (the name used by our authoress' friends and family meaning "little Emma") was born in Hungary and lived in Budapest, Brussels, and Paris before finally settling with her family in London when she was 14 years old. 

The Scarlet Pimpernel is set during the bloody French Revolution and centers on our titular hero who is a mysterious Englishman who, with his League of nineteen other brave men, cunningly sneaks in and out of France to rescue aristocrats from Madame la Guillotine and smuggle them into England. The novel also features our heroine Lady Marguerite Blakeney, a French actress and comedienne who has married Sir Percy and is the fashionable darling of British high society during all of this intrigue with the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel. She is put into an impossible position when a French agent demands that she help him learn the Scarlet Pimpernel's secret identity in exchange for the promise of her brother's safety. What results is an adventure of epic proportions and I loved every page of this daring, clever, romantic story. 

With this play/novel, Orczy established the "hero with a secret identity" in popular culture and her Scarlet Pimpernel quickly led to the rise of such famous characters as Zorro, the Shadow, Superman, Batman, and countless others, and the trope remains a popular one in serial fiction today. Even Stan Lee who read this novel as a boy, said the Scarlet Pimpernel was "the first character who could be called a superhero."

I would easily recommend The Scarlet Pimpernel to anyone who is looking to read more classic literature but isn't sure where to start. This novel clocks in at under 250 pages, it keeps you turning them, and the language isn't too difficult to get into. Which makes sense given that English was not Orczy's native tongue. The prose is simple, even repetitive at times, and easy to read. I said it once already and I'll say it again: I loved this book, and I'm so glad it cropped up out of the TBR Jar this year. 

What's your favorite classic?

Monday, February 5, 2024

Let's Bust a Recap : Tom Lake

Tom Lake is a brand new release from seasoned author Ann Patchett. It just came out this past August, and it's going to be a tricky one for me to review so let me go ahead and issue a spoiler warning right here and now, because my opinion of this novel turned on one point towards the end of the book, and there's no way for me to write this review without discussing that one sticking point. 

So first of all, one of my longest and truest friends chose this book for our book club after she listened to the audiobook version narrated by Meryl Streep and loved it. I fully expected to love it too, and I did. Until I didn't. And then I really didn't. 

But before I get too far ahead of myself: Tom Lake is set during the spring of 2020, and our main character Lara's three grown daughters have all returned home to their cherry farm in Michigan in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. As mother and daughters work on harvesting the cherries together, her girls coax her to tell them the story of her summer romance with famous actor Peter Duke when she was in a summer stock production of Thornton Wilder's Our Town at Tom Lake. The entire novel pivots back and forth between Lara's young life and the present day as she relates it to her daughters while they work. 

Here's the thing: I loved Lara telling this story to her daughters. I was living for every scene where the four of them were together. I was in stitches every time one of the girls tried to correct their mother about her own life story. I teared up at Lara's tenderness with them as they tried to make sense of this hard world we live in. As for Lara's story: meh. I could take it or leave it. She made a lot of terrible choices, but we all do. While I didn't agree with the worldview any of the characters seemed to hold, I could enjoy the story because I don't have to agree with everyone else's worldviews or have them agree with mine. 

But then, in a twenty-one chapter book, we came to chapter twenty and the entire novel was completely ruined for me. In this particular chapter, Lara has finished telling her story to her daughters, but she privately reminisces on one other event in her life that she has never shared with anyone—not even her husband—and never intends to share with anyone. Except for us, the unfortunate readers. While the entire chapter was extremely off-putting and—there's really no other way to say it—disgusting, I could have forgiven its inclusion in the book had it not culminated in Lara having an abortion. When I got to this chapter and it ended with this tiny paragraph that all seemed so out of place in this story, I felt duped. I felt like the entire purpose of Tom Lake was for the author to respond to the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the U.S. and I had just read this entire novel to get slapped with the author's political agenda. 

And I was not happy about it. I will say that it led to some really great discussion in our book club, but I cannot recommend this book to anyone unless you're the type of person who can actually skip a chapter of a book with no curiosity. (And if that's you: how?) I realize I just said in this very review that we don't all have to agree on everything, and I stand by that, but for me personally, abortion without any thoughtful exploration or commentary is an absolute dealbreaker and it soured me on Tom Lake and Ann Patchett which is triply unfortunate as I own two of her other books that I haven't gotten around to reading yet. (Bel Canto and The Dutch House, for any interested parties.) I may still read those one day, but if I do I'll go in with a certain amount of wariness I wouldn't have had before reading Tom Lake.  

All said, Tom Lake was a miss for me, and I can't forgive Ann Patchett for chapter twenty. 

Do you have any absolute dealbreakers that will ruin a book for you? 

Monday, January 29, 2024

Let's Bust a Recap : The Wingfeather Saga

So at the beginning of the month, I gave a little series update detailing books in series I'm reading that can stand alone. But today, we're going to talk about the other kind, the kind you can't stop reading until you get to the end. Cody and I read this quartet of books aloud together last year, and we both give it an enthusiastic two thumbs up. 

The Wingfeather Saga by singer-songwriter Andrew Peterson consists of four books: On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness published in 2008, North! Or Be Eaten published in 2009, The Monster in the Hollows published in 2011, and The Warden and the Wolf King published in 2014. The books chronicle the adventures and transformations of the Igiby family in the fantasy world of Aerwiar as they discover secrets of their family history, flee the evil Fangs of Dang who are occupying their country, seek their place and identity in the world, and make a stand against the mysterious ruler Gnag the Nameless. The principal characters are the three Igiby siblings—Janner, Tink, and Leeli—but the series is peppered with other lovable personalities like Podo Helmer, Peet the Sock-Man, Sara Cobbler, the Florid Sword, Maraly Weaver, and Oskar N. Reteep to name a few. 

On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, the first book in the series, starts off very whimsical and playful, introducing the world of Aerwiar and the Igiby family with lots of footnotes giving you quite a bit of history. (And don't miss those footnotes throughout all four books—they're a riot!) As the books progress and Peterson narrows in on the crux of the plot, however, each book matures until, by the end, I would classify this story as a new All-Time Favorite. I loved discovering this beautiful story along with Cody, and it is one I will come back to. 

We had several friends continue to recommend this series to us, until one of them finally just bought them for us (thanks Greg!) which was the final nudge we needed to actually pick them up and start reading. The Wingfeather Saga has been compared to The Chronicles of Narnia which, I'll be honest, was a bit off-putting to me. In my opinion, The Chronicles of Narnia are in a class of their own and my friends were not doing Wingfeather any favors in my eyes by trying to put them in that class. To be entirely transparent with you: I still think Narnia is in its own class, but I would put Wingfeather in the same class with The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. Fantastic in every sense of the word. 

For the sake of my friend Sheree over at Keeping Up With the Penguins, I do just have to warn you that there is a devastating dog death in this series, and Cody and I majorly stalled when we hit it. When I tell you I bawled my eyes out and berated every friend that had recommended Wingfeather to me, I tell you the truth. But ultimately, The Wingfeather Saga proved its worth, and my dad is reading the first book now on my wholehearted recommendation. 

All the stars for Andrew Peterson and his magnificent Wingfeather Saga. We loved it.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Let's Bust a Recap : Oh My Stars

Sometime before Christmas back in 2022, I was browsing a secondhand bookshop and came across this cute little number. When I peeked inside it and read the opening lines of the book, I was sold.

"And it came to pass in those days, that a decree went out from my mother that I would be playing the Virgin Mary in the Dollar General drive-through Nativity whether I liked it or not. Never mind the fact that my name was not Mary, that I was not a teen, and, most importantly, not a virgin. Still, decrees from my mother were similar to those from Caesar Augustus: both had to be obeyed."

I figured I'd bring it home and read it during the Christmas season, but then the World Cup started and pretty much all reading was forgotten. But last month, after I finished up Miracles by C.S. Lewis, I decided to pull this one off the shelf and ended up finishing it the day after Christmas. This 2018 offering from Sally Kilpatrick follows your basic Christmas Hallmark movie storyline—big city doctor comes back to his small hometown and falls in love with the town's young widow after the two of them find an abandoned baby in the drive-through Nativity's manger while they're portraying Mary and Joseph together. 

Hannah! Spoilers! I know, I know, but seriously? You can see every "plot twist" coming from a mile away in this book, and you are very aware of where Kilpatrick is taking this story from the first chapter.

Even having said that, Oh My Stars was a much more enjoyable reading experience than my last Hallmark book fiasco. The characters were much better drawn, I liked the alternating viewpoints between our male lead Gabe and our female lead Ivy, and, although the ending of this story might not have been entirely realistic, it worked for me. I appreciated the way Kilpatrick created flawed but likable characters and the way she developed the whole story (even though it was totally predictable). Her writing isn't great, her storytelling leaves something to be desired, but she had the bones of a good idea and I was with her on the journey. 

On a personal note regarding a pet peeve of mine: the editor has some explaining to do. This book was riddled with common spelling and grammatical errors on nearly every page which definitely detracted from my reading experience. But I don't blame Sally Kilpatrick for that. 

All said, this was a fun book to pick up during the holiday season, and I wouldn't not recommend it, but I would probably steer you to something better if you asked for my opinion. 

Do you like reading holiday-themed books during the holidays?

Monday, January 15, 2024

Let’s Bust a Recap : Miracles

Y'all. For the life of me, I tried to make this picture live so you could see the steam curling up out of that mug, but I can not do it. Your girl is stuck in the 20th century, and 97% of the time, I'm happy to stay there, but why couldn't this picture just do the little loopy thing it does on my phone and look all cute and cozy and steamy? 

It's fine. We're over it and we're moving on. 

Miracles by C.S. Lewis was originally published in 1947 and revised in 1960, and the book covers the probability of whether Christian miracles recorded in the Bible really happened. While Lewis does talk about a lot of the principal New Testament miracles in this book, the bulk of his argument stems from the question of whether miracles are even logically possible from a philosophical point of view. Once establishing that, he then covers actual recorded miracles in the last three chapters. 

And it's all brilliant. Even though a good two-thirds of this book is spent in defining terms and clarifying the difference between a "naturalist" and a "supernaturalist", every word is worth its weight in gold. I'm sure I'm getting to sound like a broken record when it comes to Lewis, but I'm just always so dumbfounded by how smart he was. I'm certainly not the only one. English theatre critic and writer and one of Lewis' contemporaries Kenneth Tynan expressed his admiration for Lewis' genius saying, "If I were ever to stray into the Christian camp, it would be because of Lewis' arguments as expressed in books like Miracles." I can't think of much higher praise than that. Whether or not you agree with Lewis' beliefs, you have to respect the logic of his arguments. He is one of the most thorough thinkers and writers I've ever had the privilege of reading. He always follows a thought all the way through and argues it from every possible viewpoint. I always feel smarter and dumber after I've read something he's written. It's a gift. 

There are also two appendices at the end of this book, and the second one—"On 'Special Providences'"—is worth the price of the whole book. In it, Lewis details the value of prayer and this dovetailed so nicely with A Praying Life by Paul Miller which I also read last year. If you happen to be browsing a bookstore and you come across a copy of Miracles, flip to the back and just read Appendix B. You won't be sorry.

I hope C.S. Lewis pops out of the TBR Jar at some point this year. I think I threw his Space Trilogy in there, but it's hard to remember what all I put in that thing. Are there any authors you read that somehow manage to make you feel smarter and dumber all at once?

Monday, January 8, 2024

Let's Bust a Recap : Series Update

Over the past few years, I have started reading through several of the series I've accumulated. Some series are tailor-made to be binged like your favorite TV show on Netflix. Finish one book, pick the next one up till you've reached the satisfying, final conclusion. (I'm lookin' at you Harry Potter, Lunar Chronicles, To All the Boys I've Loved Before, Penderwicks.) I love a good immersive, unputdownable series. But then there are others. Books that feature the same spunky protagonist(s), but that don't necessarily need to be read in order. Each book can stand on its own. And when you come to the end of one, you can wait a while before you visit with that character again. These are the series I want to look at today. I kept putting this post off hoping to finish another Flavia and/or Jeeves book by the end of the year, but it didn't happen and what with 2024 being the year of the TBR Jar, I'm ready to put these books back on the shelf and see where the winds take me.
First up: Flavia de Luce. I picked up the first Flavia book back in March of 2021 right as we were in the thick of selling our house in Florida and packing up to move to North Carolina. I loved this little mischievous 11 year old right off the bat, and I ended up reading the second installment in her series in November of 2022. The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag (pictured above) was published in 2010, a year after the debut The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. In this episode of Flavia's exploits, a famous puppeteer turns up dead at the end of his own puppet show, and Flavia figures out that his murder is somehow connected to the suspicious death of a little boy from several years before. Can our feisty, poison-loving protagonist solve both cases? Of course she can, and Flavia was just as charming in this second novel as she was in the first, but I'll admit it took me a bit longer to get into this one. Because one of the cases involves the hanging of a five year old little boy, The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag was decidedly darker than The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. But even so, I'm still a fan of the series and looking forward to continuing it. I wasn't able to get to the third book—A Red Herring Without Mustard—last year, but we'll see if the TBR Jar turns it up in 2024. 

Next up, we have the fourth installment in the Maisie Dobbs series. I first started Maisie Dobbs right after the world shut down in 2020. My parents have since read all seventeen books in the series, but I've steadily read one a year and am thoroughly enjoying them as they come. Messenger of Truth was published in 2006. Jacqueline Winspear has done a pretty admirable job of cranking a new one out almost every year since she started writing them and the final novel is set to be published this year. In this fourth chapter, if you will, Maisie is approached by an artist's twin sister after he falls to his death from some scaffolding on the eve of his major art exhibit. The police have ruled his death as an accident, but given the fact that the masterpiece of his show is missing, and no one knows what it even is, his sister is convinced there is more to his death. Here's the thing I'm coming to realize about the Maisie Dobbs books: they are set after the Great War and so far all of the mysteries that Maisie has been commissioned to solve are closely connected to the war. Without exception, these first four books have all made me deeply sad when I reach the end of them. I can't imagine that changing as we get closer and closer to the second world war. But despite the melancholy I feel when I read Maisie Dobbs—or perhaps even because of it—I think it's a phenomenal series, and taking it one book per year is the perfect pace for me. 

Finally, I read the first book in The Mysterious Benedict Society series this year. This first book in what is now a series of five was published in 2007 and remained on the New York Times Best Seller list for over a year. I saw these books all over the place and finally added them to my wishlist after my sister Caroline recommended them after reading the first two aloud with my niece and nephews. My other sister Lyndsey promptly got them for me for my birthday, and Bob's your uncle, I was reading the first one last year. The Mysterious Benedict Society chronicles the adventures of four clever children who are brought together by the eccentric Mr. Benedict and given a top-secret mission which basically amounts to them saving the known world. While I did really enjoy this middle-grade novel and all the fun riddles the kids have to solve in their audition to join the Society, it took me a while to get into it and ultimately took me over two months to read. There was definitely a turning point where I had to know what happens but it took a while to get there. 

All in all, I'd recommend any of these series and I'd love to see any of these come out of the TBR Jar this year. 

How do you approach book series? Do you like to binge them as fast as possible? Or stretch it out as long as you can?

Monday, January 1, 2024

2024 Book List

Let's all take a deep, cleansing breath, shall we? Another year is gone and a brand new year is upon us. If you joined me yesterday in looking back at what I read in 2023, you know that I read more quantitatively than I ever have before. 

And to be honest? It felt like it. A bit overloaded, borderline frantically trying to hit my secret goal each month. I read a lot of great books. I enjoyed re-reading my Christy Millers. Becoming a more frequent library patron was fun. But as I looked over what I'd read, I felt bummed about the books I didn't get to. 


It's time for a reset. I've decided to bring back an idea that seems like a lot of fun, but didn't work very well for me on the first go-around. 
That's right. We're bringing back the TBR Jar. I toyed around with this concept in 2019, but it didn't go very well. I tried to do too much. I made myself a list, I attempted my first online reading challenge, and I threw in the idea of this TBR Jar, and I ultimately only drew one title out of it all year long. So I scrapped it. But I still love the idea of drawing a title at random and letting fate guide my reading life. I went through my shelves and wrote down hundreds of titles that I haven't gotten around to reading yet and threw them all in the jar. (Or bucket as my brother laughingly called it when he saw it.) I made myself a teeny tiny skeleton list, á la 2021, to stay on track with my presidents and Shakespeare, but for everything else, I'll either be plucking a slip of paper from the Jar or cozying up with a favorite re-read (and—let's be real—probably a few books from the library). It ought to be real interesting, and I'm excited to see where the winds take me in 2024. Here's the skeleton list:

Franklin Pierce : Michael F. Holt
President James Buchanan : Philip Shriver Klein
The Merchant of Venice : William Shakespeare
Timon of Athens : William Shakespeare

Cody and I have also chosen a few books we'd like to read aloud together, and I'll be reading through the New International Version of the Bible this year too. I'd like to get through about 24 books in 2024. There are several doorstops in the TBR Jar (like Les Mis, War and Peace, Moby Dick to name a few) so aiming for about two books a month seems like the most reasonable goal. We'll see what happens though. It's time to slow down and settle back in to a cozier reading rhythm and I'm looking forward to it. 

Cheers to you and cheers to 2024! 

Do you like to make resolutions at the beginning of a new year?