Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Tuesday Confession

Did you read my Top 10 list from Friday?
Apparently, I wrote it because I was needing a good Cry It Out sesh.
I came home from church Sunday afternoon and watched two movies from my list: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Martian Child.
Then I came home from Sunday evening service, fed my husband, got in bed, and watched Ramona and Beezus and The Help.
I was up till 1:30 AM.
And I probably cried more Sunday than is healthy for any one human being.
I finished off two boxes of tissues.
Tell me I'm not crazy.

When was the last time you had a good cry?


  1. I think like a week and a half ago. It was Sunday afternoon. And the cry was pretty epic. Actually, I also cried this Sunday afternoon. Hmmm...maybe it's a Sunday thing.

    1. Part of releasing tensions and truly resting....sounds Biblical to me....#Sabbath ;)
