Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Just Smile

I came across this the other day and decided to share it here. Sometimes it's hard to keep on smiling when we see all the horrible things going on in our world. When terrorists attack. When we read about the millions of babies being aborted before getting the chance to show us their smiles. When we lose parents or children too soon. When we see videos of people being brutally killed. When the guy at the store is just plain rude or you find out your best friend has been tearing you to shreds behind your back. There is so much happening all the time that steals our joy. 

But James says to count it all joy when we are facing all these trials because the trying of our faith produces patience. Which is good. 

The above statement may seem trite, but I think the world needs to see Christians smiling. Christians who have a joy that cannot be shaken. Christians who are being kind to them with no ulterior motives. Christians that are loving without condition and assuming the best in people. 

So I would encourage you to dive into God's Word today and get your joy. Our God is the God of HOPE! Smile at a stranger. Really smile at them. Maybe even say hello. Don't let the world steal your joy or change your smile.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." 
-Romans 15:13


  1. It makes me so sad when Christians come across as the most angry people. We have true joy! We know the END to the story! WE have something to smile about!! :)

    1. Right?! Our love and joy should draw people to us!

  2. Joy is as much a choice as love and forgiveness. It's not a feeling that comes and goes. I choose joy.

  3. This came up yesterday morning in the women's bible study I'm doing. We're working through Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology and we were talking about rewards in heaven. One of the girls brought up her struggle with motivation for doing "the right thing" (saying that she felt guilty for being motivated by these rewards instead of solely love for God), but mentioned that the Bible seems to encourage us to store up our treasures in heaven by doing God's will on earth.
    I think the other major component of joy stealing is a pervasive assumption of guilt. Because the world is so bad, we feel guilty for feeling true joy. Because we're heavenly minded, we feel guilty for having those blessed rewards in mind when we act. But joy is a fruit of the spirit and is promised to us when we are walking with and growing in the Lord. It is other worldly. It is largely unexplainable by the world's standards (which is why genuinely joyful people are NOT the norm). But it is a GIFT. It is an out-working of a strong inner faith. It SHOULD turn heads. Peter told us to be ready to give an answer because he expected people to be ASKING. So yes, Hannah! Smile! Invite the questions and point to the answer that hung on the cross, arms open wide to invite us into unending JOY.
