Okay, the Harry Potter series consumed my reading life for the first three months of 2019. Except for my daily quiet time in My Utmost for His Highest (by Oswald Chambers) and a quick break in February for As You Like It (because tradition), any spare reading minutes were devoted solely to Harry and all his misadventures.
Because Harry Potter has become a worldwide household name and because I am so late to the game reading these books after 12 years since the last one was published and 22 years since the first one was published, I decided that instead of writing a recap for each book as I read it, I would just read the whole series and do less of a recap post and more of a thoughts and impressions post once I was done. As I was reading the series, I had a small group of friends (who will be referred to throughout this post as "the Potterheads") re-reading them with me and we had a group text going so what I'll be doing in this post is sharing some of the texts I sent them as I was reading the books along with whatever thoughts I have now that I've finished the series.
So beware: spoilers abound.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's (or "Philosopher's" if you're British) Stone
Published: 26 June 1997
(After getting five chapters in) I think literally ANY other option would have been better than leaving Harry with the Dursleys. Like, we could have dropped him on the doorstep of a complete stranger and that would have been better than the Dursleys. I love Hagrid. And the fact that the wizard bank is run by goblins because you'd be mad to try and rob it is my favorite thing ever. I'm already over some of the smaller details of things Harry needs for school and wizarding crap like that. Like, I-don't-care-at-all-can-we-please-not-go-into-it-all-the-time.
(After finishing the book) I ADORE Mrs. Weasley (when she helped Harry onto the train platform I almost started crying), and I am a fan of the Weasley family in general. The Quidditch chapter was my favorite, possibly of the whole book—what a nailbiter. QUIRRELL?? I did not see that coming. I was fairly confident that Snape was not a bad guy, but I wasn't expecting to meet Quirrell down there. And I have to say, after Book 1, I am not a Dumbledore fan. If Harry is old enough to take on Voldemort by himself then he's old enough to have his questions about Voldemort answered. First you leave him with the Dursleys then you let him face off against apparently the worst being in the universe to protect some stone that you just end up destroying anyway and then you can't even answer him when he wants to know why Voldemort wanted to kill him?? Nah. But I am 100% on Hagrid's train. When he gave Harry the scrapbook of his parents, I actually did cry.
If my goodreads account is accurate, I started this book on January 2nd and finished it on January 11th. This book was a lot slower than I was anticipating, but I will say that the very end of every single book in the series kept me up reading past midnight to finish so kudos to Rowling for strong endings.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Published: 02 July 1998
When Ron tells Harry that "hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the wizarding world", I laughed for three solid minutes. That is the funniest thing I've read in these books yet.
(After finishing the book) I adore Ginny Weasley, and the fact that Riddle/Voldemort/Malfoy took advantage of her makes me loathe them with the deepest and most intense hatred I have possibly ever had for fictional characters. My love for the entire Weasley family has been cemented—Mrs. Weasley's howler was a riot. I was over Gilderoy Lockhart before we even really started talking about him, and his comeuppance at the end was highly satisfying. And speaking of the ending: Tom Riddle and his diary?? Horrid. I had no idea who it could be besides Voldemort and, even though that was technically correct, I was dumbfounded by the method. Rowling's good. But y'all, giant spiders and a basilisk?? This is why I don't think I'll like the movies. This is not a genre that works well on a visual medium for me. I can read about all this—fine—but I don't want to have nightmares about it! And I still don't really care about Dumbledore, but he did go up a few points in my book for the compassionate way he responded to Ginny at the end. Much love for that. Once again, the Quidditch chapter was my favorite—hanging off the edge of my seat for that—although Harry and Ron being rescued by the magical car was also fantastic. Dobby was awful, but I'm glad he's free of the hideous Malfoys, I guess. Also, Little Miss Smartypants turning herself into a cat was hilarious.
(After one of the Potterheads asked for my thoughts on Snape at the end of Book 2) Snape is a jerk and at this point I don't really care about him no matter what his history with Harry's mom is.
Now that I've finished the series, Book 2 remains my second favorite book of all of them. Great story, giant spiders, basilisk and all.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Published: 08 July 1999
(After finishing the book) Going into this one, I had a lot of people singing its praises and telling me this was the best book of the series. I enjoyed it but nothing really set this book apart from the first two books for me. At this point, the second book is probably my favorite so far. As far as the book itself: I loved Lupin. He was definitely my favorite character of the book and may be my new favorite character of the series. I suspected he was a werewolf literally from the time he was introduced on the train so that was not a shocking reveal for me. In fact, I figured out most of the major plot points before they were revealed. I'm sure some of that has to do with the fact that I have actually been living on Planet Earth for the past 20 years but nevertheless, I did find this book easier to figure out than the first two, both of which I did NOT see the ending coming. I suspected Sirius Black was not a bad guy pretty early on and when Harry, Ron, and Hermione overheard the conversation in the Three Broomsticks, I knew Black was alright and I suspected Pettigrew was no good. I had no idea he was Scabbers though! And Pettigrew is possibly the most despicable character yet—nothing worse than a coward. I have more respect for someone who's totally bad than a freaking turncoat like Pettigrew. Other highlights for me included Harry blowing up Aunt Marge and running away from the Dursleys (go Harry!), Hermione slapping Draco (I cheered out loud when that happened), and, of course, all the Quidditch stuff (Lee Jordan commentating is one of my favorite aspects of all the books). The dementors are creepy and I hate them. Trelawney was the new Gilderoy Lockhart for me (I could not roll my eyes any harder at her), and I'm loving McGonagall more and more (what a tough old bird). Loved Harry's patronus at the end and all the significance of that with his dad. Snape is the worst, and I still don't think Rowling has done a great job of showing why Dumbledore is so great or why the kids trust him so much.
In retrospect, I think this book is a lot better than I gave it credit for, and at the time it came out, I'm sure it blew people's minds. But the wow factor was not there for me with this book because I was able to predict so much of it. Like I said above, I'm sure that has more to do with the fact that Harry Potter has been unavoidable if you've been living on Earth these past 20 years than my sleuthing abilities, but every other book ending caught me by surprise and this one did not.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Published: 08 July 2000
*DISCLAIMER: At this point in the series, I started texting the Potterheads on a more regular basis instead of waiting until I was finished with a book and maxing out my text message lengths with all my thoughts.*
That was, by far, the best opening chapter of a Harry Potter book I've read yet.
The Weasleys trying to get in the Dursleys' boarded up fireplace—I'm dying.
IMMEDIATELY a fan of Mad-Eye Moody for turning Draco Malfoy into a ferret and roughing him up a bit in front of everybody. Excellent.
(After finishing the book) Cedric dies and Barty Crouch Jr. is Satan's minion?? Y'all. I can't. That was exhausting. As far as storytelling goes: Rowling is a freaking genius and that was phenomenal. As far as what's actually happening in the wizarding world: this is my least favorite book in the series thus far. By a longshot. I'm dreading what's to come.
(After one of the Potterheads asked for my thoughts on Dumbledore at the end of Book 4) My respect for Dumbledore is growing. I didn't love the way Rowling casually slipped in some line about how he left Harry with the Dursleys because of some magical family protection from Voldemort as if that's supposed to make me totally fine with it.
Y'all, I was LOVING this book until Cedric died. Apart from my group message with the Potterheads, I texted my husband and said that if Cedric was actually dead, Book 4 would be my least favorite: guaranteed. And while Book 5 is probably my true least favorite, I'm still so mad that Cedric died. I got into a big debate with the Potterheads over whose death was sadder: Cedric's or Sirius' (Hint: I think Cedric; they all think Sirius). All told, except for Book 7, Book 4 went the fastest for me. I could not put it down.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Published: 21 June 2003
*I did not realize there was a 3 year gap between the publication dates for Book 4 and Book 5. What did y'all even do??*
(After getting four chapters in) I am a fan of Tonks—she's hilarious. Percy is the dumbest most ungrateful little jerk alive and unless he's trying to get an angle on the ministry from the inside by going DEEP cover, he's dead to me. And I'm back to not liking Dumbledore. I would be just as upset as Harry, probably more so.
When Ron makes prefect and Mrs. Weasley is so happy and says "That's everyone in the family!" and George retorts, "What are Fred and I, next door neighbors?"—I lost it. Fred and George are the best!
(After finishing chapter 11) Well, Harry is finally back at Hogwarts and instead of taking his first opportunity to combat the rumors about him when Seamus innocently asks him what's gone on, he further alienates himself by throwing a hissy fit and insulting his roommate's mother. Yay, puberty. It's going to be a long year.
I have no idea what to make of Luna Lovegood, but Dolores Umbridge is absolutely despicable. Like, worse than Voldemort. Also, Book 5 is proving the hardest to get through so far. I have almost zero desire to read it at all. AND this is the least amount of respect or affection I've had for Dumbledore since I started the series. Which is saying something since I haven't particularly cared for him from the beginning.
What's that, Harry? You've just had the most terrifying vision of being a snake and attacking someone you love and you're having other snakelike feelings of intense hatred and the desire to attack people? Thanks for passing along the message in a timely manner and just stop worrying. I CAN'T WITH THESE ADULTS. This book is stressing me out. You are causing confusion and anger in a boy who deserves to know what's happening to himself and I am more over it than Harry. This is outrageous.
(And when one of the Potterheads responded to that message with "All in due time") Oh don't give me that garbage. The LEAST any one of these adults could have done is validate Harry's experience as the truly horrifying event it was.
Wow. I kindof hate Harry's dad right now.
Those bastards stunned McGonagall?? This book makes me rage!!
(After finishing the book) It. Is. Finished. I stayed up till 1:30 last night and I was a little disappointed that Umbridge didn't die in the forest but whatever I'm glad it's over. Also, I'm feeling completely vindicated in all my impressions and feelings about Dumbledore. If he can admit to Harry that he was wrong and handled everything poorly, why can't everyone else admit it, too?!
According to goodreads, I started this one on February 19th and didn't finish until March 11th. It just seemed to drag on. And on and on and on. I really did not feel motivated to keep going after Book 5, but that is exactly why I started the group text with the Potterheads in the first place. Accountability for the win. I will say, Book 5 contained one of my very favorite moments from the entire series: when Fred and George stick it to Umbridge and leave Hogwarts. I cheered out loud.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Published: 16 July 2005
(After getting 300 pages in) Well, we have fully hit the HP boy-girl drama and I am definitely not missing 16 today. Yikes. #raginghormones #poorchoices (The Potterheads loved that this was the first thing I texted them for Book 6—check that sarcasm font.)
(After finishing the book) Y'all. I stayed up till 2 in the morning finishing that dadgum book. Worst ending yet. I don't know if I even have the heart to keep going. I don't even know what more to text about it.
(After one of the Potterheads asked "But what about your favorite character? The one you love so much") If you are making a sarcastic reference to Dumbledore: withholding important and potentially helpful information to the very end. If you're talking seriously about Lupin: I'm happy for him and Tonks. I like that match.
(After more prompting from the Potterheads to expound on my feelings at the ending) I don't even know where to begin. Snape killing Dumbledore: I did not see that coming. Once again, I was frustrated with Dumbledore and his "I-know-everything-but-I'll-only-tell-you-what-I-think-you-need-to-know" attitude throughout the entire book. I feel like his Need-To-Know policy through the entire series has just caused a lot of unnecessary problems and drama. And because of it, I don't know how Harry's going to make it to the end without Dumbledore, but I also feel almost relieved that we're not going to have to rely on Dumbledore for only snatches of information at a time. This is the first book where I have felt any sympathy for Draco. I am very curious about R.A.B. All in all, I'm ready to end this series. Ever since the turn in Book 4 (when Cedric dies), it's been a dumpster fire and I hope the ending knocks it out of the park and makes up for all the pain we've gone through to get there. Mad props to Rowling though. Her attention to detail has been phenomenal.
As you can see, I was less than motivated to keep going at the end of Book 6, but I'll be the first to tell you that my hopes were more than answered in Book 7.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Published: 21 July 2007
(After getting eight chapters in) Well I tore through the first 8 chapters of the Deathly Hallows yesterday. Darkest first chapter of all 7 books but definitely the most exciting beginning.
Ron leaves?! It's Percy all over again.
He's back, guys, he's back. Stop worrying; everything's going to be okay.
I never imagined I'd be sitting here crying because Dobby died but here I am.
Y'all. I still have like, 10 chapters to go so no spoilers, but 7 is the best book by far. All the little details are coming together and it is exciting as heck. Rowling is a master of her craft.
Okay. I'm taking a break for lunch. I just finished my second read-through of Snape's memories, and I have to say: I just don't like Dumbledore. I know it's just a story and he has all these strategic reasons for keeping his secrets and blah blah blah but no. Tell the truth, tell the truth, TELL THE FREAKING TRUTH.
(After finishing the book) I just feel so Mama Bear proud of Neville I can't even tell you. And when Mrs. Weasley killed Bellatrix I cheered out loud (through my tears).
Y'all. Book 7 was the actual best. I could not read it fast enough, and I was so impressed with the way Rowling brought all the details from Books 1-6 together in Book 7. This book made the entire series worth it to me, and after finishing it, I can now see myself reading Harry Potter again in the future. At no point during Books 1-6 did I think I would ever read them again, but Book 7 changed my mind. Neville chopping off Nagini's head is tied with Fred and George's departure from Hogwarts as my very favorite moments from the series. And I was actually bawling when Dobby died. If you've never read Harry Potter or never made it all the way to Book 7: I'm officially going on record to recommend them. There's a reason Rowling hit billionaire status by writing these books. At some point this summer, I'll be marathon-ing the movies with the Potterheads so I'm sure the movie version of this post will be forthcoming.
Now, I'm obviously not a Harry Potter aficionado by any stretch of the imagination, but we're going to end this post with some HP superlatives based on my vague impressions of the impact Harry Potter has had on my generation. I realize every single character in the book is probably loved and hated by people out in the world, but as an outsider looking in these past 20 years, it seems that certain characters are generally loved and others not so much.
My favorite character overall: Minerva McGonagall (with an honourable mention going to Remus Lupin)
Character with the best growth over the series: Neville Longbottom
Most despicable character: easily Dolores Umbridge
Most overrated character: Albus Dumbledore
Most underrated character: Luna Lovegood (with an honourable mention going to Aberforth Dumbledore—I wanted more Aberforth)
And finally, the lingering question I was left with after finishing the series was how Lily Evans ended up with James Potter. If Rowling ever wanted to explore that storyline further in a prequel to Harry Potter, I'd buy that book immediately.
Alright. Come at me with all your Harry Potter love, hate, questions, opinions, and anything else. I've read them all and I'm here for it.
Published: 21 July 2007
(After getting eight chapters in) Well I tore through the first 8 chapters of the Deathly Hallows yesterday. Darkest first chapter of all 7 books but definitely the most exciting beginning.
Ron leaves?! It's Percy all over again.
He's back, guys, he's back. Stop worrying; everything's going to be okay.
I never imagined I'd be sitting here crying because Dobby died but here I am.
Y'all. I still have like, 10 chapters to go so no spoilers, but 7 is the best book by far. All the little details are coming together and it is exciting as heck. Rowling is a master of her craft.
Okay. I'm taking a break for lunch. I just finished my second read-through of Snape's memories, and I have to say: I just don't like Dumbledore. I know it's just a story and he has all these strategic reasons for keeping his secrets and blah blah blah but no. Tell the truth, tell the truth, TELL THE FREAKING TRUTH.
(After finishing the book) I just feel so Mama Bear proud of Neville I can't even tell you. And when Mrs. Weasley killed Bellatrix I cheered out loud (through my tears).
Y'all. Book 7 was the actual best. I could not read it fast enough, and I was so impressed with the way Rowling brought all the details from Books 1-6 together in Book 7. This book made the entire series worth it to me, and after finishing it, I can now see myself reading Harry Potter again in the future. At no point during Books 1-6 did I think I would ever read them again, but Book 7 changed my mind. Neville chopping off Nagini's head is tied with Fred and George's departure from Hogwarts as my very favorite moments from the series. And I was actually bawling when Dobby died. If you've never read Harry Potter or never made it all the way to Book 7: I'm officially going on record to recommend them. There's a reason Rowling hit billionaire status by writing these books. At some point this summer, I'll be marathon-ing the movies with the Potterheads so I'm sure the movie version of this post will be forthcoming.
Now, I'm obviously not a Harry Potter aficionado by any stretch of the imagination, but we're going to end this post with some HP superlatives based on my vague impressions of the impact Harry Potter has had on my generation. I realize every single character in the book is probably loved and hated by people out in the world, but as an outsider looking in these past 20 years, it seems that certain characters are generally loved and others not so much.
My favorite character overall: Minerva McGonagall (with an honourable mention going to Remus Lupin)
Character with the best growth over the series: Neville Longbottom
Most despicable character: easily Dolores Umbridge
Most overrated character: Albus Dumbledore
Most underrated character: Luna Lovegood (with an honourable mention going to Aberforth Dumbledore—I wanted more Aberforth)
And finally, the lingering question I was left with after finishing the series was how Lily Evans ended up with James Potter. If Rowling ever wanted to explore that storyline further in a prequel to Harry Potter, I'd buy that book immediately.
Alright. Come at me with all your Harry Potter love, hate, questions, opinions, and anything else. I've read them all and I'm here for it.
Well. I just absolutely need to go read these again. UGH. Next year. Along with AOGG. Those may be the only books I read next year & I'm fine with it. I'm SO happy you read these. Just SO happy. They're genius. They're enchanting. They're worthy of reading & re-reading.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good reading year to me!
DeleteAnd speaking of which, how's your Sibling Reading Challenge going this year?
ZOMG 22 years?! You have made me feel VERY old all of a sudden! 🙈😂 Reading this post was such a great hit of nostalgia, thank you so much for writing it this way and sharing your honest impressions, I think I thought all of the same things along the way when I first read them.
ReplyDeleteRight?? I couldn't believe it myself. I remember when these were all coming out; seems like yesterday.
DeleteGlad you enjoyed the post! I had so many people on instagram saying they wished they could experience HP for the first time again when they found out I was reading them which is why I chose to write the post this way.
I LOVE THIS POST SO MUCH!!! Thank you for taking the time to catalog your thoughts and write them out. Yayyyyyy!!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree about McGonagall being the best and Umbridge being the LITERAL WORST and Rowling's skills to bring everything together in a totally satisfying way. I'm surprised you didn't actually talk about Dumbledore's death scene, but also not surprised at all. Haha
Let's see... What else? I also thought Luna was a completely underrated character. And Dobby's death was the most tragic and heartbreaking for me, because he was treated so badly his whole life and he was just the most faithful house elf ever and without him, Harry would have died for sure!
In conclusion, Harry Potter isn't a hero. His village is. There were so many great people who supported him throughout the book series, and without any one of them, he would have been toast. <3
Thank you! And thank you for being one of the Potterheads for books 5-7. :)
DeleteI don't know. With the whole Dumbledore death scene, I just kept waiting for the other shoe to drop with Snape and when he kills Dumbledore, I was thrown into utter confusion. lol
I don't blame you. I'm still confused about Snape and Dumbledore overall
DeleteI love that your recap here is mostly a stream to the “potterheads”. I laughed out loud a few times. It was enjoyable to read them again and see through your eyes.
ReplyDeleteAmy, you were one of my biggest influencers to finally break down and read them. And now I'm a fan. You need to go with me when I visit the Wizarding World at Universal. Actually, all the Potterheads should come. That would be so fun!!
DeleteLoved re-reading this recap. I am SO glad you had some real time reactions in there. This is one of your best lines:
ReplyDelete“He’s back, guys, he’s back. Stop worrying; everything is going to be okay.”
Doesn’t Rowling do an amazing job of emotionally binding you to these characters??
I would challenge you to read them again and view Dumbledore with a lens from the 7th book. It changed my initial harsh judgement of him.
Here are my HP superlatives:
Favorite overall character: Hagrid, though Harry himself is definitely close.
Character with best overall growth: Grawp, Hagrid is a miracle worker.
Most despicable: Umbridge with Pettigrew a distant but solid second.
Most overrated: Snape, in my opinion he treated Harry worse than the Dursley's
Most underrated character: Dumbledore, the man is a compassionate genius.
I definitely want to re-read these soon. I think Cody and I are going to read them aloud together.
DeleteHagrid is a great choice for favorite character. 🤎 But Snape as most overrated??
Yup. Harry named his kid after him? Nope. People think “oh Dumbledore trusted him, played a dangerous role as a mole in Voldemorts inner circle etc”. Nah that dude was a creepy, clingy, bigoted dweeb who was infatuated with a married woman and took out his years long frustration on an 11 year old kid.
DeleteFor some reason, I’m getting email updates for the comments on this blog post alone and I’m not mad at it 😂 Oakie, I agree. Snape had a lot of emotional trauma to work through and taking it out on Harry wasn’t cool. But I love that the characters weren’t 1 or 2 dimensional. The heroes had blatant character deficits and weaknesses and the villains had … well, some of them anyway … potential for good/redemption.
DeleteOakie, I don't disagree with anything you're saying about Snape but saying he's the most overrated character? I'm not sure I agree with that. Based on my perception of pop culture, I'd say he's about exactly rated. 😂 I know a lot of people with your same opinion on him.
DeleteAnd Christina, totally agree about Rowling's characters being fully fleshed out and human...or wizard as is the case. 😜 Also, you're getting updates on this post because when you originally commented, you were able to comment under your google profile and, I'm sure, hit the "Notify Me" box.
I’m so glad we finally figured this out. We have a system and it’s working!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻